• Synonyms: Verbs

    Synonyms: Verbs Pre viacej článkov na túto tému, pozri napríklad príslovky a synonymá.  Bežne používané slovesá ako napríklad enjoy, like, see, grow, hate, think, walk a pod. a ich synonymá. Skvelý spôsob ako si rozšíriť slovnú zásobu.       Viac ...

  • Synonyms : Adverbs

    Synonyms : Adverbs   Pozri aj rôzne prídavné mená a ich synonymá. Často používané príslovky ako napríklad usually, never, finally, often, sometimes atď a ich synonymá.        

  • Synonyms : Adjectives

    Synonyms: Adjectives Prídavné mená a ich synonymá- slová podobného významu. Vždy máme viacero možností ako niečo vyjadriť a poznať rôzne synonymá sa vždy hodí.                    

  • Lido, swimming pool and beach

    Lido, swimming pool and beach For you guys who love to swim, enjoy these phrases that we put together for you! Taktiež pozri článok na tému SIGHTSEEING.   Je tu niekde bazén alebo kúpalisko? – Is there a swimming pool Viac ...

  • Asking directions

    Asking directions If you’re in a new town or city and you want to know where a place or building is, these are useful phrases for asking for directions. Kde to je ? – Where is it? Ako sa tam Viac ...

  • In the shop

    In the shop Whether you love shopping, or just shop when you need to, you can practice your English at the same time! Shopping is a great way to communicate with lots of different people, and it really helps to Viac ...

  • Going to the football match

    Going to the football match Sport is a great topic to talk about with any friend if you are passionate about it. Why not use it as a chance to improve your English vocabulary? Here are all the football words Viac ...

  • In the fitness centre

    In the fitness centre In this lesson I will help you to learn some common expressions about exercising, fitness and gym equipment. You will also learn how to explain your fitness goals to a personal trainer. Are you ready?   Viac ...

  • Skiing

    Skiing Here are English expressions you should know before you get your skis on.   Chceli by sme si zalyžovať – We would like to go skiing. Je tu niekde požičovňa lyží? – Is there a ski rental here? Rád Viac ...

  • Evening performance

    Here are some phrases you can use when going to the cinema and for discussing what you have seen. Nezájdeme na koncert ? – What about going to a concert? Radšej by som išiel do kina – I would rather Viac ...