Here are some phrases you can use when going to the cinema and for discussing what you have seen.

Nezájdeme na koncert ? – What about going to a concert?
Radšej by som išiel do kina – I would rather go to the cinema.
Čo dávajú? – What´s on?
O čom to je? – What is it about?
Kto hrá hlavnú úlohu ? – Who is starring?
O koľkej to začína ? – What time does it start?
Ako dlho trvá to predstavenie/ten film ? – How long is the performance/film?
Môžete nám zohnať lístky na zajtra večer? – Can you get us tickets for tomorrow night ?
Dva lístky do stredu – I would like two seats in the middle.
Je vypredané – It is sold out.
Kde je tu, prosím, šatňa? – Where is the cloakroom, please?
Môžeme ešte vojsť? – Can we still enter?
Kde sú naše miesta ? – Where are our seats?
Prepáčte, ale to sú naše miesta – Excuse me, there are our seats.
Ako sa vám to páčilo ? – How did you like it?
Veľmi sa mi to páčilo – I liked it a lot.
Pravdupovediac, veľmi ma to nebavilo – To be honest, I didn´t enjoy it very much.
Bolo to celkom zaujímavé – It was quite interesting.
Kam pôjdeme zajtra večer ? – Where shall we go tomorrow evening?
Nezájdeme ešte niekam na pohárik ? – Would you like to go for a drink?
Vstupné – admission
Zľavnené vstupné – reduced admission
Zľava pre študentov – discount for students
Vypredané – sold out
Vstup zdarma – admission free
Premiéra – first night
Divadlo – theater
Komédia – comedy
Tragédia – tragedy
Muzikál – musical
Kino – cinema
Dobrodružný film – adventure movie
Akčný film – action movie
Horor – horror movie
Dokumentárny film – documentary
Romantický film – romance movie
Kreslený film – cartoon
Film pre deti – kid´s movie
Omar : What about going to a concert?
Rami : I would rather go to the cinema.
Omar : What´s on?
Rami : Black Panther debuts tomorrow.
Omar : Awesome, I have been waiting for that to come out. What time does it start? Rami : Perfect! We could go to the 7:15 show.
Omar : Ok. I will reserve two seats in the middle online, instead of waiting in line tomorrow. Let´s meet me at 7.
Rami : Great. See you then!
A dodatočná slová zásoba na Quizlet ktorú môžeme použiť na opísanie filmu/seriálu/knihy/TV programu.