Going to the football match

Sport is a great topic to talk about with any friend if you are passionate about it.

Why not use it as a chance to improve your English vocabulary? Here are all the football words and phrases you need to know to communicate with your friends better.


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Chystám sa na futbal. Pôjdeš so mnou? – I´m going to the football match. Will you join me?

Kto hrá (s kým)? – Who is playing (whom)?

Ako sa dostaneme na štadión? – How do we get to the stadium?

Koľko stoja lístky? – How much are tickets?

Mám permanentku – I have got a season ticket.

O koľkej začína zápas? – What time does the match start?

Po polčase vedieme 1:0 – We are leading one nothing at half-time.

Náš brankár chytil jedenástku – Our keeper saved a penalty kick.

Ako skončil zápas? – What was the final score?

Zápas skončil remízou – The match ended in a draw.


Ak si viacej fanúšik lyžovania pozri článok na tému SKIING. 



Futbalový štadión – football stadium

Ihrisko – field

Tribúny – stands

Pokutové územie – penalty area

Rohový kop – corner kick

Priamy voľný kop – direct free kick

Pokutový kop – penalty kick

Strela – shot

Remíza – draw

Polčas – half

Polčasová prestávka – half-time



Andrew: Hi, how are you? Ready to go?

Lucy: Yes, ready to go and really excited.

Andrew: It should be a good match and great atmosphere.

Lucy: Who is playing?

Andrew: Chelsea against Manchester United.

Lucy: That sounds pretty cool. How much are tickets?

Andrew: 26 dollars, but don´t worry I´ve got a season ticket for you.

Lucy: Thank you very much! What time does the match start?

Andrew: 15:05. We have to go sooner to avoid a traffic jam.

Lucy: Ok. So let’s cheer loudly to support the team so they will hopefully win.