In the fitness centre
In this lesson I will help you to learn some common expressions about exercising, fitness and gym equipment.
You will also learn how to explain your fitness goals to a personal trainer.
Are you ready?
Zašiel by som do posilňovne – I feel like going to the gym.
Kde si tu môžeme zacvičiť? – Where can we get some workout here?
Máte tu nejaké posilňovacie stroje? – Do you have any fitness machines here?
Cvičíte pravidelne? – Do you work out on a regular basis?
Cvičím tak trikrát týždenne – I work out about three times a week.
Snažím sa nabrať svalovú hmotu – I try to gain some muscles.
Môžete mi ukázať nejaké cviky na nohy? – Can you show me some leg exercises?
Chcel by som posilniť plecia – I would like to strengthen my shoulders.
Aké sú najlepšie cviky na brucho? – What are the best exercises for the abs?
Môžem si zabehať na páse? – Can I do some running on the treadmill?
Môžem si na chvíľu vziať túto lavicu/jednoručku? – Can I have the bench/dumbbell for a sec?
Koľko váži tá činka? – How much does this dumbbell weigh?
Koľko opakovaní/sérií mám robiť? – How many repetitions/sets should I do?
Zvyčajne robím 3 série po 10 opakovaniach – I usually do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Skúsim niečo ľahšie/ťažšie – I will try something lighter/heavier.
Koľko sed-ľahov by som mal robiť? – How many situps should I do?
Koľko urobíš zhybov (na hrazde)? – How many pull-ups can you do?
Môžeš ma istiť? – Could you spot for me?
Na ktoré svaly je tento cvik? – What muscles does this exercise work?
Kedy sa mám nadýchnuť? – When do I breathe in?
Už nevládzem – I can´t any more.
Môžem si tu kúpiť nejaký proteinový nápoj? – Can I buy a protein drink here?
Kde sú tu sprchy? – Where are the showers?
A conversation between Alice (A) and Brenda (B) about getting in shape:
A: Hi Brenda! You look great. Have you been working out?
B: Thanks, Alice. Yes, I needed to get in shape.
A: You are always trying to keep fit. Good for you. Can you suggest a good way to work out?
B: Well, first always remember to warm up before exercising.
A: Okay. Are cardio exercises, like running, good for a warm up?
B: Yes, but you do not want to increase your heart rate too fast, so maybe start out slow.
A: Got it! Any suggestions for abs workout?
B: Try to do different things – do sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups and squats. A little bit of everything.
A: Thanks. Hopefully, I’ll get in shape soon.