In the pub

Many meetings with friends and business colleagues happen at the bar.

It’s a good place to be social and have fun.

Here are vocabulary words and phrases related to drinking alcohol at a bar or pub.


Taktiež pozri článok na tému AT A RESTAURANT.


Nejdeme na pivo? – Want to go for a beer?

Môžeme skočiť na jedno. – We might pop in for a beer or two.

Dajme si jedno rýchle. – Let´s have a quick one.

Pozývam ťa na poldeci! – I will buy you a shot!

Kam si chceš sadnúť ? – Where would you like to sit?

Sadneme si k baru ? – Shall we sit at the bar?

Sadnime si k tamtomu stolu. – Let´s sit down at the table over there.

Je tento stôl voľný? – Is this table free?

Je tu nefajčiarska časť ? – Is there a non-smoking area ?

Dá sa tu sedieť aj vonku? – Do you have outside seating?

Koľko tu stojí pivo? – How much is beer here?

Máte čapované pivo? – Do you have draught beer?

Čo sa tu čapuje? – What´s on tap (here) ?

Dám si ešte jedno. – I´ll have one more.

Nedáme si štamprlík vodky ? – How about a shot of vodka?

Radšej si dám whisky s ľadom – I´ll rather have whiskey on the rocks

Na zdravie! – Cheers!

Do dna! – Bottoms up!

Už mám dosť. – I´ve had enough.

To je na účet podniku – It´s on the house.

Nechceš si zahrať biliard? – Feel like playing a pool?

Zaplatíme každý zvlášť. – We will go Dutch.

Dnes platíš ty. – Today it´s your turn to buy the drinks.

Ja to platím! – I´m buying!


Krčma – pub

Športový bar – sports bar

Piváreň – alehouse

Výčap – taproom

Vonkajšie sedenie – outside seating

Barman – barman

Pivový pohár – beer mug

Vínový pohár – wine glass

Štamprlík – shot

Pivná tácka – beermat

Popolník – ashtray

Nápojový lístok – drink list


After a stressful day, Mr. Jackson relaxes at the bar. The bartender, Mark, responds to a few complaints while he serves Mr. Jackson his favorite cocktail.

Mr. Jackson: Bartender, could I have a drink? What’s taking so long?!

Bartender: Excuse me, sir. Yes, what can I get you?

Mr. Jackson: I’d like a whiskey sour.

Bartender: Certainly sir, I’ll get that straight away.

Mr. Jackson: What a day! Where’s an ashtray?!

Bartender: Here you go sir. Did you have a busy day?

Mr. Jackson: Yes, I had to walk all over town to get to meetings. I’m exhausted.

Bartender: I’m sorry to hear that, sir. Here’s your drink. That should help.

Mr. Jackson: (takes a long sip) That’s what I needed. Much better.

Bartender: Can I get you another drink? This one’s on the house.

Mr. Jackson: That’s kind of you. Yes, I’ll have another whiskey sour. I’d also like to smoke. Is that possible?

Bartender: Unfortunately we don’t allow smoking in the bar. You’ll have to use outside seating.